Incubator – Always the right temperature on the pallet

Konstante Temperaturen im vollautomatischen Brutraum
Innenansicht Brutraum - Hohe Produktqualität durch exakte Temperatur im Brutraum und einem schonenden Transport der palettierten Produkte

Incubator // double storey


Precisely incubated yogurt

In the case of stitch-proof yogurt, acidification and coagulation of the milk take place in the cup. To ensure high quality of your products, exact temperature and gentle transport of the palletized products is required at every point in the incubation room. A time- or ph-value controlled recipe management enables an optimal and reproducible product quality. In addition to an energy-saving configuration, our focus is on the realization of customer-specific, process-integrated solutions.

Solutions for pallet cooling

airinotec also has interesting products for pallet cooling. Discover which solution best suits your requirements. 

Kühltunnel in der Variante ChannelCool mit zweispuriger Verfahrweise

Pallet cooling // Cooling tunnel

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C-Cube im Hochregallager zur beidseitigen Palettenkühlung

Pallet cooling // C-Cube

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ModulCool zur Palettenkühlung

Pallet cooling // ModulCool

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Tablarkühler zur Produktkühlung in Käsereien

Tray cooling system

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airinotec - Creating Air Solutions - Klima- und Prozesslufttechnik
Would you like to learn how to cool your pallets of dairy products even more efficiently?
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