Air conditioning and ventilation systems – safe and reliable
The production, processing and packaging of products often requires constant, very narrowly-defined indoor room temperatures and levels of air humidity. We are also your right contact for this.
Specialist ventilation components which are developed in-house to reduce emissions, such as supply air systems based on the principle of stratified flow or highly efficient collection systems, reduce air-volume flows and save energy.
Energy-efficient air distribution with the independent balancing of the air volume flows and demand-based adaptation of the air requirement to the process and the building at all times.
Innovation is the air that we breathe
Industrial manufacturing processes often produce airborne emissions from machinery, equipment and materials which pose a risk to both employed persons and product quality. Due to the complexity of the systems, maintaining the air quality in production facilities can be very demanding, however. airinotec develops modern and innovative systems to ensure good quality air in production operations.
We cover the entire lifecycle for ventilation and air conditioning systems – from the initial idea through to the complete solution: from conventional ventilation systems through to highly sophisticated process air conditioning with air volumes of several hundred thousand cubic meters per hour.
Our highly-qualified employees are familiar with the requirements, industry guidelines and regulations, and work on innovative and reliable customer solutions for air conditioning and process air systems every day. Whether they are newly planned or already in operation.