Blast chillers: Efficient solutions for optimized cooling processes

In the food industry, fast and efficient cooling of products after production is crucial to ensure quality, freshness and shelf life. Blast chillers, also known as pallet cooling, offer a highly efficient way of bringing large quantities of products to the desired storage temperature in the shortest possible time. In this article, we show why blast chillers are essential for companies in the food industry and what innovative solutions airinotec offers.

Palettenkühlung auf zwei Ebenen im Kühltunnel
Unser C-Cube zur Palettenkühlung im Hochregallager kühlt flexibel und spart viel
Palettenkühlung durch den ModulCool in Molkereien
Tofu auf dem Transportwagen in einer Schnellkühlkammer von airinotec
Tablarkühler für die Kühlung von Käse

Cooling tunnel




Tray cooler

What are blast chillers?

Blast chillers are specially developed cooling systems that are designed to quickly cool freshly produced or processed food on pallets to the desired storage temperature. This prevents or delays the growth of microorganisms and ensures that the food retains its freshness and quality. Effective blast chilling technology is particularly important for temperature-sensitive products such as dairy products, meat products, baked goods and other fresh foods.

Why is rapid cooling so important?

Cooling after production is a critical phase in food processing. A slow or inefficient cooling process can lead to significant problems:

  • Shortened shelf life: cooling too slowly can cause microorganisms to multiply more quickly and shorten the shelf life of products.
  • Loss of quality: Temperature changes can negatively affect the texture, taste and consistency of food.
  • Increased energy consumption: Inefficient cooling leads to higher energy consumption and rising operating costs.

To meet these challenges, airinotec offers innovative cooling technologies that not only ensure optimum product cooling, but also reduce energy consumption and increase efficiency.

Efficiency is created when precision meets innovation - and this is exactly what modern blast chillers offer for optimized production processes.

airinotec Geschäftsführer Stefan Hummrich
Stefan Hummrich // Head of Sales Food

The advantages of blast chillers from airinotec

The blast chillers from airinotec are specially designed to meet the high demands of the food industry. They offer the following advantages:

  1. Maximum efficiency: The targeted cooling of large quantities of products on pallets optimizes the entire cooling process. This enables rapid further processing or storage of the products without delays.
  2. Flexible and modular systems: Depending on production requirements, the systems can be individually adapted. airinotec offers various solutions that are suitable for different applications and company sizes and can also be combined.
  3. Energy saving and sustainability: Thanks to intelligent control systems and highly efficient system components, energy costs can be significantly reduced. Modern blast chilling systems minimize the ecological footprint and contribute to sustainability in food production.
  4. High product safety: Precise control of the cooling systems prevents temperature fluctuations, which increases product safety and ensures consistent quality.

The implementation of blast chillers is essential for companies in the food industry in order to ensure product quality and extend shelf life. With tailor-made solutions from airinotec, companies benefit from maximum efficiency, energy savings and high flexibility. Whether cooling tunnel, C-Cube, ModulCool, BatchCool or tray cooler - there is a suitable solution for every requirement.

Innenansicht Kühltunnel ohne Paletten

Cooling tunnels

Cooling tunnels are ideal for continuous production processes in which products on pallets are transported fully automatically through a tunnel and cooled evenly. This solution is particularly efficient as the cooling process takes place in a closed system.

Learn more about cooling tunnels

C-Cube im Hochregallager zur beidseitigen Palettenkühlung


The C-Cube is a flexible and compact blast chiller specially developed for cooling dairy products. Using the existing cool ambient air, it can cool two pallets at the same time and its innovative technology ensures energy-efficient cooling.

Learn more about our C-Cube

ModulCool zur Palettenkühlung


The ModulCool system is a modular solution that is particularly suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. The modules can be expanded as required and offer a high degree of flexibility.

Learn more about the ModulCool

Produktkühlung veganer Lebensmittel wie Tofu


BatchCool is a rapid cooling system developed for cooling products in batches.

Learn more about the BatchCool

Tablarkühler zur Produktkühlung in Käsereien

Tray Cooler

Tray coolers offer a space-saving solution for cooling products quickly. They are particularly suitable for applications where products that cannot be palletized need to be cooled efficiently and evenly. 

Learn more about tray cooling

airinotec - Creating Air Solutions - Klima- und Prozesslufttechnik
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