Mockup für den Messestand von airinotec für Nahrungsmittelmesse

High-tech for the food industry

Every three years, an industry in which hygiene requirements are particularly strict meets in Cologne. At the Anuga FoodTec, which opens its doors this year from April 26 to 29, the food industry is looking for the latest, most efficient technologies to guarantee the high standards. Anyone looking for air conditioning, ventilation or refrigeration systems will find what they are looking for at airinotec in hall 5.1, booth C021 - C029: For 14 years, the company has been developing individual concepts and solutions for industries which are facing great challenges. In addition to the technology required, the engineers at airinotec also keep an eye on issues such as energy efficiency and occupational health and safety. 

And there is something else that makes airinotec special: The company from Bayreuth combines individual developments with standards and specifically designed software solutions in order to develop tailor-made solutions for the respective customer and at the same time keep the costs in check. At the Anuga FoodTec, airinotec will present three scalable solutions with a modular structure that can be used by the customer.  

Sekundärklimagerät für Käsereiferäume

A-Bloc Pro Technology – Secondary air conditioner for cheese ripening rooms

The A-Bloc technology for ripening rooms and hygiene-relevant process areas can also be experienced live on site: It provides the production with a homogenous and constant indoor climate. The precision air conditioning guarantees the best ripening results for the products. The stainless steel recirculating air hygiene unit is able to cool, heat, moisten or dehumidify the air as required. The air is distributed via induction nozzles and therefore ensures an even and precise ripening climate.

Unser C-Cube zur Palettenkühlung im Hochregallager kühlt flexibel und spart viel

C-Cube – for flexible pallet cooling

The versatile stand-alone C-Cube system is a flexible and energy-saving solution for cooling food on the pallet: The Cube has the exact dimensions of a EUR-pallet, emits cool air from two sides and is placed directly next to the food pallet. Once the desired degree of cooling is reached, the pallet is rotated or repositioned by machine so that all products on the pallet are perfectly cooled. The C-Cube enables food producers to adjust the temperature of new goods to the refrigeration chain quickly and efficiently.

Palettenkühlung durch den ModulCool in Molkereien

ModulCool – for lower pallet throughputs

The modular ModulCool is also used for cooling. The pallet cooling system has been developed specifically for lower pallet throughputs. With this cooling system, the pallets are positioned in the ModulCool refrigeration cells and the cold ambient air is used to cool the product. Thanks to its modular design, it is extremely flexible, and can be expanded with additional cooling modules at any time to meet the customer’s requirements.

Personal exchange on site

“With these three products, we are showing an example of what we can do for our customers,” says Stefan Hummrich, Managing Director of airinotec. “We can discuss individual requirements with prospective customers. We are looking forward to many exciting contacts and projects.”

You are planning to visit the trade fair and would like to visit our booth? Please let us know in advance and make an appointment with our experts on site!

Booth design: //

airinotec - Creating Air Solutions - Klima- und Prozesslufttechnik
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