Bringing greater efficiency to paper

Rising energy costs are putting increasing pressure on energy-intensive industries, which includes the pulp and paper industry. At the same time, the availability of the production facilities should always be guaranteed. Operational safety is the key to preventing expensive machine downtimes. How can all these requirements be reconciled against the background of individual production environments, though? 

Trockenhaube zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz in der Papierindustrie
Prozesslufttechnik und Wärmerückgewinnung für die Papierherstellung
Hallenlufttechnik Abluft Zuluft für die Papierindustrie - Gutes Klima für Mensch und Produkt
Hallenlufttechnik auf dem Dach einer Papierproduktion mit effektiv verringerten Schallemissionen
Wärmerückgewinnungsystem aus der Papierindustrie
Prozesslufttechnik Hallenlufttechnik für die Papierindustrie

Drying hood

Process air

Production hall supply air

Production hall exhaust air

Heat recovery

Heat recovery system

Efficient air and drying technology for the pulp and paper industry

Together with the heat demand of the hall air technology and the process water heating, the dryer section offers considerable scope for useful optimizations. As a leading provider of systems for complex air and drying projects, here at airinotec, we bring the machine and hall ventilation of your production facilities up to date. The topic of energy efficiency is right at the top of our agenda.

You don’t just reduce your energy costs, but increase your productivity at the same time. At the same time, you are also keeping an eye on your CO2 emissions. We have the experience gained from many international projects, and also know the industry requirements such as the material classes and process flows. We are plant constructors and engineers with enthusiasm for driving your project forward with great commitment.

Prozesslufttechnik und Wärmerückgewinnung

Process air technology & heat recovery

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Trockenhaube in einer Papierproduktion - Minimale Wärme- und Schallemission und Reduzierung der Kondensationsrisiken

Drying hood

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Dachinstallation von Hallenlufttechnik - so geplant dass sie gut zugänglich sind für Wartung und Reinigung

Indoor ventilation technology

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Schaubild für die Funktionsweise von Haubenabluft und Wärmerückgewinnung


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Klimatisierung für Ausrüstungs- & Schalträume sowie Nebenanlagen

Air conditioning paper industry

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Dampf- und Kondensatsysteme von airinotec dem Anlagenbauer mit Ingenieurskompetenz

Steam and condensate systems

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Schaubild von einem Panel für Automatisierungssysteme in Käsereien

Automation systems

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Klima- und Lüftungsanlagen für die Nahrungsmittelindustrie

Air conditioning & ventilations systems

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Medienversorgung und Klimatechnik

Supply of utilities

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We focus on drying technology with the heat recovery systems of the paper machine, the production hall air systems, the pumps, the heating of the process water and the steam heat exchangers. With our intelligent energy optimization strategy EnergyOpt, the interplay between these systems is holistically improved. You save on steam and electricity.

New equipment, expansions and modernizations increase both your production output and your quality. In the case of product changeovers in particular, adjustments to the plant technology become necessary. 

Your systems operate more efficiently. The primary energy requirement is lower. This will also reduce your CO2 emissions. 

We choose all components of a plant in terms of their design and material. In our concept, the arrangement of the individual systems also plays an important role. This means that you benefit from greater operational safety, good accessibility and durability, as well as simple and cost-effective maintenance and servicing.

Production downtimes lead to high costs. This is precisely why it is so important that conversions can be carried out quickly and your production can be restarted safely. 

Although we are experts, we never lose sight of the bigger picture. Requirements such as costs, ease of maintenance, noise emissions and hygiene are taken into account just as much as the interplay with other specialist areas.

You don’t have to completely replace every system to achieve greater energy efficiency, for example. Sometimes, an optimization of existing systems is sufficient when budgets are tight or space is limited. 

Why we are the right choice

Our engineers not only understand the requirements of the paper industry – they also know the industry to perfection. They also bring their thorough expertise to their next project.

Our focal points

  • Process air systems
  • Heat recovery systems
  • Drying hoods
  • Hall ventilation systems
  • Hot water systems
  • Steam and condensate systems
  • MCC control room cooling systems
  • Paper web moistening on the slitter winder
  • Extraction systems
  • Separators
  • Measurements and audits
  • Dew point control - zero line measurement
  • EnergyOpt energy optimizations

Projects & experience in the pulp and paper industry

Successful projects for the pulp and paper industry are the best proof of confidence in our work. For many medium-sized companies, we have taken on and successfully resolved a wide range of challenges surrounding air and drying technology for the pulp and paper industry. In our project reports, all the details and the reasons for our success become clear through practical examples. Your challenge has probably already been solved by us!

Holistic optimization of the production hall

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New control strategy and ventilation system

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Buchmann Karton // Projektbericht airinotec // Papier- und Zellstoffindustrie

Regulation and monitoring system optimizes the operation of ventilation technology

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Luftansicht der Produktion von Ahlstrom Munksjö

Retrofitting project at Ahlstrom-Munkskjö

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Außenansicht der Produktion von Koehler Papier

Optimization at the Koehler Paper Group

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Dachinstallation von Hallenlufttechnik - so geplant dass sie gut zugänglich sind für Wartung und Reinigung

Complete hall ventilation for Propapier

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Außenansicht der Papierproduktion von Sappi

Successful retrofit project at the Sappi plant in Ehingen

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airinotec - Creating Air Solutions - Klima- und Prozesslufttechnik
We are pleased to assist you with our expertise!
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